send whatsapp to yourself

How to send WhatsApp to yourself

How to send whatsapp to yourself – A while ago a friend of mine just realised that he seems not be able to send whatsapp message to himself. So he asked me if it possible to send whatsapp message to ourself ?. It aroused my curiosity to find out the answer. I searched it on the internet and… yes, it is possible! And now in this article I would like to share about what the use of send whatsapp to yourself and how to send whatsapp to yourself.

Why send whatsapp message to yourself ?

There are some ideas about the use of it. If you think there is any other use of send whatsapp to yourself, please let me know in the comment section.

  1. You can use this to store shared links.
    When you find the link that you like, you can store that link by sending whatsapp message to yourself and you will be able to go back to that link whenever you want.
  2. You can use it as a to-do tool or as a reminder tool.
    You can send small messages as a to-do list to remind you the things that you need to do. Once you finish the task, just delete the message.
  3. It is useful when you want to have a preview of your whatsapp message.
    For example : you are sharing an image from an app and you want to know wheter that image is actually shared or just the link to that image.
  4. When you open whatsapp on computer, you can use this to easily transfer media (images and videos) to your computer without cable data plugged in (works only using ‘WhatsApp Group’ method). (read also : How to open whatsapp on computer.)
How to send whatsApp to yourself

Method 1 : use Contacts (iOS 8 user still can use this method, otherwise you can use method 2)

  1. Add your number (Whatsapp number) to your contact list.
  2. Open WhatsApp and refresh the contact list.
  3. You will see your number in the contacts list of Whatsapp. Click on that.
  4. Now you can send whatsapp message to yourself!

Method 2 : use WhatsApp Groups

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Open Menu, then select New group
  3. put your group name and tap Next
  4. Add one of your close friend to your group
  5. Tap Create group to finish the group creation
  6. Now your group has only two members (you and your friend). Next step is remove your friend from your newly created group. This will leave you as the only member of the group.
  7. Now when you send a message to the group, it will be delivered only to you!

I hope you like this trick. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave your comments below and ask.

About Thomas G

Thomas G is a founder and editor of Evenbright. He is a tech entusiast. Currently he is working as a Senior Software Developer in a travel company.