How to open whatsapp on computer – Now Whatsapp can be opened on computer pc or laptop using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera web browser. Whatsapp company officially has released new feature Whatsapp Web version and desktop version to enable user open whatsapp on computer. This article will explain how to use this feature to open whatsapp on computer along with its advantage and disadvantage.
Whatsapp web is not a stand alone application. It means to use WhatsApp Web, you will need to have WhatsApp installed on your mobile phone first. WhatsApp Web is a computer based extension of the WhatsApp account on your mobile phone. The messages you send and receive are fully synced between your phone and your computer, and you can see all messages on both devices.
Before you follow the steps, please ensure that you have the following requirements :
- WhatsApp application on your phone and your whatsapp account should be active.
- WhatsApp with the latest version on your phone. You need to have WhatsApp v2.11.498 or above. You can check it by go to : Settings > About and Help.
- Your phone must have a rear-facing camera.
- An internet connection for your computer
- Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Opera web browser.
How to open WhatsApp on computer
If you already have the above requirements, you can go ahead and use Whatsapp web :
- Launch your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari) and go to
- You will see a QR code which needs to be scanned by your phone. At below the QR Code, you will see instructions to help you find WhatsApp web option on the application. For example, if you use iOS : go to Settings > WhatsApp Web.
- Use your phone, open WhatsApp and go to WhatsApp Web option. When you select ‘WhatsApp Web’ on your phone, an instruction will appear on your mobile, asking you to take your mobile camera near your computer screen and scan the QR code. Tap the screen will remove the instruction screen and a scanner will open. Then scan the QR code on your computer.
- After the phone successfully scans the QR code, you will see your WhatsApp contacts and incoming messages appear on your computer.
Now you can open your WhatsApp on computer, send messages and chat with your WhatsApp contacts on your computer. WhatsApp desktop version also enable you to open WhatsApp on computer. Using WhatsApp desktop is similar with WhatsApp Web, the difference is you need to download it and install the application first. You can download it from
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Using WhatsApp on computer is very useful for those who spend most of time in front of computer or for those who cannot easily type on their phone. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages using whatsapp on computer that we need to know.
Advantages of using WhatsApp on computer
- On computer screen you see bigger font and you will be able to type messages much faster.
- You don’t need to repeat scan the QR code, its just the first time setup.
- You can easily send images or videos stored in your computer.
- You can download WhatsApp images and videos into your computer which have much larger storage.
Disadvantages of using WhatsApp on computer
- It’s just a mirror of your WhatsApp on your mobile phone. It means if you send a whatsapp message from your computer, it is happening on the spot also from your mobile phone but the receiver will get the message only once.
- Therefore, it will consume double internet data usage (one from web version and other from your phone).
- If you using it on public computer and forget to log off from that public computer, then any one can use your WhatsApp, i.e see you previous messages, and even can send the message from your WhatsApp. So, if you use WhatsApp Web on public computer or on a computer that’s not yours, you should sign out when you’re finished. You can do that by clicking on the three dot menu icon and selecting Log out. If you forget to log out of WhatsApp Web on a computer that’s not yours, you can log out all active session by go to the same setting you used to scan the QR Code. On iOS app you can go to : Settings > WhatsApp Web/Desktop , then choose ‘Log out from all computers‘.
I hope this article will help you open WhatsApp on computer. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to leave your comments below and ask. I will try my best to assist you.